
Exploring New Developments in Cancer: Diagnosis Trends, Outcomes, and Costs

Time & Location

12:00 - 1:00 pm ET

Rates of the most common cancers are increasing, especially among young adults. It is estimated that in 2024, over 2 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer—a record high. By 2030, it is projected that the cost of cancer, one of the most expensive diseases to treat, will exceed $245 billion. Despite advancements in care, there remain significant variations in screening, diagnosis, and treatment rates by socioeconomic status, age, sex, race, and ethnicity.

Speakers will discuss:

  • The latest trends in cancer across the country and drivers of disparities in preventive cancer services and screenings.

  • A health plan’s efforts to improve cancer outcomes and reduce costs through holistic approaches to providing high-quality care and support.

  • The rise in early onset cancer, including efforts to understand what is driving this shift and initiatives to support this younger population.

Lorna H. McNeill, PhD, MPH

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Monica Berner, MD

Health Care Service Corporation

Kate Duncan, MBA

Health Care Service Corporation

Veda Giri, MD

Yale School of Medicine


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