Firearm Violence: A Public Health Crisis
Published on: July 09, 2024.
See the ‘NIHCM Infographic - Gun Violence: The Impact on Society’ for more information and citations.
This graphic’s sources include:
Total gun death 2019 - 2023: Gun Violence Archive, Past Summary Ledgers, 2024
For every one person who dies by firearm, more than two survive: The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, Nonfatal Gun Violence, 2020
Firearm vs. motor vehicle deaths: Dan Keating, The Washington Post, “Guns killed more young people than cars did for the first time in 2020”, 2022
Note: Data in the above article is from the Centers for Disease Control and Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS).
The US Surgeon General has declared firearm violence a public health crisis, noting the rise in rates and that firearms are the leading cause of death among children and adolescents since 2020. While mass shootings are often the most publicized, more common incidents involve fewer individuals and include suicides, which account for over half of firearm-related deaths. NIHCM’s infographic provides crucial information about the health and economic toll of gun violence.
This NIHCM mini-infographic highlights the amount of gun-related deaths in the US during 2023. In addition, it underscores the impact of firearm violence on children and adolescents.
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