PRESENTED BY: Alliance for Health Policy
Health Care in the Courts: Supreme Court Ruling on the Affordable Care Act
Time & Location

The Affordable Care Act is a landmark health policy package signed into law in March 2010 and has faced no shortage of political controversy and legal challenges over its eleven-year history. One such case (Texas v. California) began when the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 effectively eliminated the individual mandate provision, and has since worked its way through a United States district court, a U.S. court of appeals, and now the Supreme Court.
This briefing will help our audience understand what they are reading in the news about the recent Supreme Court ruling and what to expect in the coming weeks and months from the courts, Congress, regulatory agencies, and the health care market. Panelists will provide insights on the legal framework and timeline of this case, as well as implications for industry stakeholders and consumer access and affordability. They will also explore potential federal and state legislative and administrative options in response to the ruling.
This webinar is a project of the Alliance for Health Policy, with support from NIHCM Foundation.
Thomas R. Barker, J.D.
Partner, Foley Hoag, LLP
Elizabeth Carpenter
Head of Advisory Services, Avalere Health
Katie Keith, J.D., MPH
Professor, Georgetown University | Principal, Keith Policy Solutions, LLC
Sarah J. Dash, MPH
President and CEO, Alliance for Health Policy (moderator)
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