
Time & Location

9:00 - 10:00 AM ET

Will the Supreme Court’s decision on King v. Burwell effectively dismantle the Affordable Care Act and its broad expansion of health coverage in this country? Or will the law’s latest legal challenge ultimately be defeated? With the court’s decision expected in late June, we’ve convened a top-notch panel of experts to provide journalists and policymakers with essential context, legal understanding and story ideas for this historic case. The webinar deepened participants’ understanding of the legal arguments at play; highlighted the profound implications for patients and outlined compelling story ideas, regardless of how the court rules.

This webinar is a project of USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism and NIHCM Foundation.


Linda Greenhouse

The New York Times

Jay Angoff

Mehri & Skalet; formerly HHS

Jennifer Haberkorn

Politico Pro


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