Reducing the Rx Burden: Pathways to Lower Drug Prices and Increase Access
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The high cost of prescription drugs continues to be a significant financial challenge for many Americans, with nearly 30% of adults reporting they haven't taken their medications as prescribed due to the cost. Brand-name drugs, which make up over 84% of total drug spending, maintain high prices by extending patents and limiting competition from generics. Join our experts as they explore the future of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and drug pricing, as well as private sector strategies to drive down costs and improve health outcomes.
Speakers will discuss:
Trends in pharmaceutical innovation and the implications for drug pricing and policy.
Strategies used to extend patent protection and how patent reforms can make drugs more affordable.
Health plan initiatives and tools to improve member care and reduce the cost of expensive treatments.
Avik Roy
NIHCM Foundation
Mary Beth Erwin, MPH
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts
S. Sean Tu, JD, PhD
West Virginia University College of Law
Gregg Girvan, MPP
The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity
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See More on: Health Care Management | Cost & Quality | Prescription Drugs