Stabilizing the Individual Health Insurance Market
Time & Location
8:30 - 10:00 AM ET
ACA open enrollment began this month amid consumer confusion and concerns about future market stability. The uncertainty around cost-sharing reduction payments, resulting premium increases, and federal cuts to advertising and outreach have intensified concerns that healthier people could drop coverage—an issue that would be exacerbated if the individual mandate were repealed. Less healthy risk pools would lead to higher premiums and fewer choices among plans in future years. Still, much can be done to put the individual market on a sustainable path.
This webinar provided:
- Analysis of the individual market and potential stabilization strategies, such as dedicated funding for high-cost conditions that would be largely offset by subsidy savings from lower premiums
- An industry perspective on how to improve affordability and competition in the individual market, including ways to support populations with significant medical needs
- A state insurance commissioner’s perspective on the federal role in keeping markets healthy and the importance of state-level flexibility
- A conservative perspective on the broader factors contributing to market crisis and cost growth
Stabilizing the Individual Health Insurance Market: The State Perspective
Jessica Altman
Pennsylvania Insurance Department
Patient-Centered Health Reform: How Patient Choice and Private Competition Can Achieve Universal Coverage
Avik Roy
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