
The Health of Children in Foster Care: Making Improvements Through Medicaid and the Law

Time & Location

09:00 AM - 10:30 AM ET

Event Materials

Children in foster care face dramatic health inequities: nearly 60 percent have at least one chronic disease, and nearly 70 percent have moderate to severe mental health disorders. Relative to other non-disabled Medicaid beneficiaries, children in foster care use more medical services with higher associated costs. Yet the most recent Federal Child and Family Services Review found that about 25 percent of children in foster care have unmet health care needs.

This webinar on opportunities to improve the health of children in foster care featured public and private sector stakeholders discussing the following topics:

  • Trends in the health of children in foster care, including their unmet needs and disproportionate cost to Medicaid
  • A successful state and private sector partnership to improve services for the foster population through Medicaid managed care
  • Laws that promote the health of children and youth who are in or aging out of foster care, including the Affordable Care Act


Buying What Works Pays Off: Cost Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Interventions

Bryan Samuels

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Foster Care/Adoption Assistance Transition to Virginia Medicaid Managed Care

Katina Goodwyn

Anthem HealthKeepers Plus

Foster Care/Adoption Assistance Transition to Virginia Medicaid Managed Care

Ashley Harrell

Maternal and Child Health Division

Foster Care/Adoption Assistance Transition to Virginia Medicaid Managed Care

Tammy Whitlock

Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services

The Legal System - Laws That Promote the Health of Children and Youth in and Aging out of Foster Care

Eva Klain

American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law

Additional Resources
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Addressing the Mental Health of Youth in Foster Care. TeenScreen, National Center for Mental Health Checkups at Columbia University.

Administration for Children and Families:

Allen K. & Hendricks T. Medicaid and Children in Foster Care. Center for Health Care Strategies. March 2013.

American Bar Association’s Center on Children and the Law:

Baumrucker E, Fernandes-Alcantara A, Stoltzfus E, Fernandez B. Child Welfare: Health Care Needs of Children in Foster Care and Related Federal Issues. Congressional Research Service. February 2012.

Sydow N, Flango G. Physical and Emotional Well-Being: Court Performance Measures for Children and Youth in Foster Care, Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Fall 2012.

Geen R, Sommers A, Cohen M. Medicaid Spending on Foster Children. Urban Institute. August 2005.

Integration of Foster Care and Adoption Assistance Youth into Managed Care. Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services.

Klain E, Kendal J, Pilnik L. How Health Care Reform Helps Children in or at Risk of Entering the Child Welfare System, in American Bar Association Child Law Practice. May 2010.

Lehmann B, Guyer J, Lewandowski K. Child Welfare and the Affordable Care Act: Key Provisions for Foster Care Children and Youth. Georgetown University Center for Children and Families and Community Catalyst. June 2012.

Phicil S. Financing the Special Health Care Needs of Children and Youth in Foster Care: A Primer. Catalyst Center. September 2012.

Pilnik L. Practicing Preventative Law: A Day in the Life of a Medical-Legal Partnership Attorney, American Bar Association Child Law Practice. March 2008.

Prevention and Early Identification of Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Center for Medicaid and CHIP Informational Bulletin.

Simmons M, Dubowitz H, Szilagvi M. Health Care Needs of Children in the Foster Care System. Pediatrics. October 2002.


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