Research Grants
Funding For:
Effects of Tiered Physician Networks on Health Care Use and Provider Behavior
Cost & Quality

Anna Sinaiko, Harvard University
Grant Period:
Jan 01, 2019 - Mar 31, 2021
Summary of the Project:
This study will use data from the Massachusetts Group Insurance Commission to (1) quantify the system-wide effects of tiered network benefit designs on referrals, hospital choice, health care use and spending, and (2) assess how these impacts vary with the design of the tiered networks, urban/rural market location and the competitiveness of the local physician market. Different tiered network designs to be studied include the size of the relative copayment differentials across tiers, tiering at the level of the physician group vs. individual physician, and whether tiering includes primary care physicians as well as specialists. Findings can inform the design and implementation of tiered networks and enhance understanding of the market conditions that may facilitate or inhibit impact.
Grantee Publications
November 9, 2023
Tiered Physician Network Plans and Patient Choices of Specialist Physicians
Learn MoreAuthor: Elena Prager; Vilsa E. Curto; Alexa Magyari; Marema Gaye; Anna D. Sinaiko
May 1, 2023
Tiered network health plans and changes in physician practice intensity
Learn MoreAuthor: Elena Prager, Anna D. Sinaiko