
Health Insurance Marketplaces: Race to the Deadline

Time & Location

09:30 AM - 11:00 AM ET

Event Materials

With exchange open enrollment set to begin October 1, 2013, the federal government—now responsible for at least partial marketplace facilitation in 33 states—has perhaps the largest role to play in meeting the deadline. Ongoing discussions on Medicaid expansion and the premium assistance option have added to uncertainty about the size and composition of the exchange markets. Meanwhile, this unpredictability is challenging insurers as they work to design and competitively price qualified health plans, with consumer choice and plan affordability at stake.

This webinar covered the following topics:

  • The progress of exchange implementation across the states and the implications for coverage
  • The latest on the development of federally-facilitated and partnership marketplaces, straight from CCIIO
  • How Medicaid expansion decisions will affect the exchange market
  • The response of health insurers to the challenges of the new marketplace


Insuring America: Marketplace Implementation and Consumer Outreach

Mandy Cohen

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Federal & State Marketplaces: Progress to Date

Lourdes Grindal-Miller

Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight

Health Insurance Marketplaces: A Race to the Deadline - A Plan Perspective from Minnesota

Scott Keefer

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota

The State Exchange Landscape and Implications for Coverage

Rosemarie Day

McKinsey & Company


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